
Selective Image Encryption using Singular Value Decomposition and Arnold Transform
Selective image cryptosystem is a popular method due to its low computational overhead for enciphering the large
volume of digital images. Generally selective cryptosystem encrypts the significant part of the data set while the insignificant
part is considered in compression process. As a result, such kind of approaches reduces the computational overhead of
encryption process as well as properly utilizes the limited bandwidth of communication channel. In this paper the authors have
proposed an image cryptosystem for a compressed image. Initially, the original image was compressed using Singular Value
Decomposition (SVD) and subsequently, the selective parts of the compressed image are considered for enciphering purpose.
We have followed the confusion-diffusion mechanism to encrypt the compressed image. In encryption process, the Arnold Cat
Map (ACM) is used and the associated parameters of ACM are kept secret. The scheme is tested on a set of standard grayscale
images and satisfactory results have been found in terms of various subjective and objective analysis like the visual
appearance of cipher image, disparity of histogram with original one, computation of Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR),
Number of Pixel Change Rate (NPCR), correlation coefficient and entropy.
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