
Environmental Noise Adaptable Hearing Aid using Deep Learning
Speech de-nosing is one of the essential processes done inside hearing aids, and has recently shown a great
improvement when applied using deep learning. However, when performing the speech de-noising for hearing aids, adding noise
frequency classification stage is of a great importance, because of the different hearing loss types. Patients who suffer from
sensorineural hearing loss have lower ability to hear specific range of frequencies over the others, so treating all the noise
environments similarly will result in unsatisfying performance. In this paper, the idea of environmental adaptable hearing aid
will be introduced. A hearing aid that can be programmed to multiply the background noise by a weight based on its frequency
and importance, to match the case and needs of each patient. Furthermore, a more generalized Deep Neural Network (DNN)
for speech enhancement will be presented, by training the network on a diversity of languages, instead of only the target language.
The results show that the learning process of DNN for speech enhancement is more efficient when training the network using
diversity of languages. Moreover, the idea of adaptable hearing aid is shown to be promising and achieved 70% overall accuracy.
This accuracy can be improved using a larger environmental noise dataset.
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