
A Novel Binary Search Tree Method to Find an Item Using Scaling
This Approach comprises of methods to produce novel and efficient methods to implement search of data objects in
various applications. It is based on the best match search to implement proximity or best match search over complex or more
than one data source. In particular with the availability of very large numeric data set in the present day scenario. The
proposed approach which is based on the Arithmetic measures or distance measures called as the predominant Mean based
algorithm. It is implemented on the longest common prefix of data object that shows how it can be used to generate various
clusters through combining or grouping of data, as it takes O(log n) computational time. And further the approach is based on
the process of measuring the distance which is suitable for a hierarchy tree property for proving the classification is needed
one for storing or accessing or retrieving the information as required. The results obtained illustrates overall error detection
rates in generating the clusters and searching the key value for Denial of Service (DOS) attack 5.15%, Probe attack 3.87%,
U2R attack 8.11% and R2L attack 11.14%. as these error detection rates denotes that our proposed algorithm generates less
error rates than existing linkage methods.
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