
Hybrid User Acceptance Test Procedure to Improve the Software Quality
Fast-growing software needs result in the rise of quality software in technical and time challenges in software
development and the impact the cost and scarcity of resources addressed by the companies. Thus, this research focuses on
optimal implementation of the User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and the process generation integration. The Software
Development Life Cycle (SDLC) was adapted to develop software and introduce the UAT process right from the initial phase
of the software development. Additionally, it is devised to maximise time reduction by implementing the client testing in all the
three processes. A High Capability to Detect (HCD) procedure has been incorporated in the problem formulation that has
optimally identified sensitive bugs. A Modified Reuse of Code (MRC) is proposed for a feasible time-saving solution. The
proposed UAT will provide an optimal solution in the software testing phases implemented earlier than black-box testing. The
proposed UAT has significantly better production time, development cost, and software quality in comparison to other
traditional UATs. The study's findings were corroborated by the output data from the UAT cases. The UAT ensures the quality
of the product in the early phase of the development and implementation of the projects. This will minimise the risk during and
post-implementation of bugs and achieve the target audience’s needs.
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