The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT)


Medical Image Segmentation With Fuzzy C-Means

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[ 30] Zhang D., and Chen S., A Novel Kernalized F uzzy C Means Algorithm with Application in M edical Image Segmentation, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine , vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 37- 50, 2004. Anu suya Venkatesan received her Master of Technology degree in 2005 from Manonmaniam Sundaranar University. Currently pursuing Ph.D in the discipline of Computer Science and Engineering from the same University. Her research interest includes clustering and c lassification of data sets, neural networks, image processing and computational intelligence. Latha Parthiban obtained her B.E deg ree from Madras University, M.E from Anna University and Ph.D from Pondicherry University. Her areas of interest include image processing, artificial neural networks, data mining, fuzzy logic and computational intelligence.