
Logical Schema-Based Mapping Technique to
Data warehouse systems are used for decision- making purposes. The Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) tools
are commonly used to query and analysis of results on such systems. It is complex task for non- technical users (executives,
managers etc. ,) to query the d ata warehouse using OLAP tool keeping in view the schema knowledge. For such d ata
warehouse users, a natural language interface is a viable solution that transparently access data to fulfil their requirement .
As data warehouse contain several times more data (that increase with incremental refreshes) than the operational systems .
So keyword-based searching in such systems cannot be performed similar to database based natural language systems.
Existing natural language interfaces to data warehouse commonly explore keywords in data instances directly that takes more
than sufficient time in generating results. This paper proposes a Logical Schema- based Mapping (LSM) technique to reduce
search space in the data warehouse data instances. It performs mapping of t he natural language query keywords with logical
schema of the data warehouse to identify the elements prior to search in the data instances. The retrieved matches for a
keyword are ranked based on six criteria proposed in this paper. Further, an algorithm has been presented which is developed
upon the proposed criteria. Targeted search in the data instances is then performed efficiently after the identification of
schema elements. The in-depth experiments have been carried out on real dataset to evaluate the system with respect to
completeness, accuracy and performance parameters. The results show that LSM technique outperforms the existing systems.
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