
Frequency Model Based Crossover Operators for
The quadrati c assignment problem aims to find an optimal assignment of a set of facilities to a set of locations that
minimizes an objective function depending on the flow between facilities and the distance between locations. In this paper we
investigate Genetic Algo rithm (GA) using new crossover operators to guide the search towards unexplored regions of the
search space. First , we define a frequency model which keeps in memory a frequency value for each pair of facility and
location. Then, relying on the frequency m odel we propose three new crossover operators to enhance g enetic algorithm for the
quadratic assignment problem. The first and second ones, called Highest Frequency crossover (HFX) and Greedy HFX
(GHFX), are based only on the frequency values, while the third one, called Highest Frequency Minimum Cost crossover
(HFMCX), combines the frequency values with the cost induced by assigning facilities to locations. The experimental results
comparing the proposed crossover operators to three efficient crossover ope rators, namely, One Point crossover ( OPX ), Swap
Path crossover (SP X) and Sequential Constructive crossover (SCX ), show effectiveness of our proposed operators both in
terms of solution quality and computational time.
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