
Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Cosine Neighbourhood Recommender System
Growth of technology and innovation leads to large and complex data which is coined as Bigdata. As the quantity of
information increases, it becomes more difficult to store and process data. The greater problem is finding right data from these
enormous data. These data are processed to extract the required data and recommend high quality data to the user.
Recommender system analyses user preference to recommend items to user. Problem arises when Bigdata is to be processed
for Recommender system. Several technologies are available with which big data can be processed and analyzed. Hadoop is a
framework which supports manipulation of large and varied data. In this paper, a novel approach Cosine Neighbourhood
Similarity measure is proposed to calculate rating for items and to recommend items to user and the performance of the
recommender system is evaluated under different evaluator which shows the proposed Similarity measure is more accurate
and reliable.
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