TDMCS: An Efficient Method for Mining Closed
In some data stream applications, the information embedded in the data arriving in the new recent time period is
important than historical transactions. Because data stream is changing over time, concept drift problem may appear in data
stream mining. Frequent pattern mining methods always generate useless and redundant patterns. In order to obtain the result
set of lossless compression, closed pattern is needed. A novel method for efficiently mining closed frequent patterns on data
stream is proposed in this paper. The main works includes: distinguished importance of recent transactions from historical
transactions based on time decay model and sliding window model; designed the frame minimum support count-maximal
support error rate-decay factor (θ-ε-f) to avoid concept drift; used closure operator to improve the efficiency of algorithm;
design a novel way to set decay factor: average-decay-factor faverage in order to balance the high recall and high precision of
algorithm. The performance of proposed method is evaluated via experiments, and the results show that the proposed method
is efficient and steady-state. It applies to mine data streams with high density and long patterns. It is suitable for different size
sliding windows, and it is also superior to other analogous algorithms.
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