
A MMDBM Classifier with CPU and CUDA GPU
A decision tree classifier called Mixed Mode Database Miner (MMDBM) which is used to classify large number of
datasets with large number of attributes is implemented with different types of sorting techniques (quick sort and radix sort) in
both Central Processing Unit (CPU) computing and General-Purpose computing on Graphics Processing Unit (GPGPU)
computing and the results are discussed. This classifier is suitable for handling large number of both numerical and
categorical attributes. The MMDBM classifier has been implemented in CUDA GPUs and the code is provided. We used the
parallelized algorithms of the two sorting techniques on GPU using Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) parallel
programming platform developed by NVIDIA corporation. In this paper, we have discussed an efficient parallel (quick sort
and radix sort) sorting procedures on GPGPU computing and compared the results of GPU to the CPU computing. The main
result of MMDBM is used to compare the classifier with an existing CPU computing results and GPU computing results. The
GPU sorting algorithms provides quick and exact results with less handling time and offers sufficient support in real time
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