
Data Streams Oriented Outlier Detection Method: A Fast Minimal Infrequent Pattern Mining
Outlier detection is a common method for analyzing data streams. In the existing outlier detection methods, most of
methods compute distance of points to solve certain specific outlier detection problems. However, these methods are
computationally expensive and cannot process data streams quickly. The outlier detection method based on pattern mining
resolves the aforementioned issues, but the existing methods are inefficient and cannot meet requirements of quickly mining
data streams. In order to improve the efficiency of the method, a new outlier detection method is proposed in this paper. First,
a fast minimal infrequent pattern mining method is proposed to mine the minimal infrequent pattern from data streams.
Second, an efficient outlier detection algorithm based on minimal infrequent pattern is proposed for detecting the outliers in
the data streams by mining minimal infrequent pattern. The algorithm proposed in this paper is demonstrated by real telemetry
data of a satellite in orbit. The experimental results show that the proposed method not only can be applied to satellite outlier
detection, but also is superior to the existing methods.
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