
Application of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Evaluation Method in Aircraft Cockpit Display Ergonomics
The ergonomic level of cockpit display design can be improved by establishing an objective and effective method for
evaluating the ergonomics of the cockpit display. Given the fuzz problem in ergonomic evaluation, a new intuitionistic fuzzy
evaluation method is proposed based on the Intuitionistic Fuzzy Ordered Weighted Geometric Average (IFOWGA) operator
and the possible degree function in this work. Firstly, the intuitionistic fuzzy evaluation matrix considering the hesitation
degree of experts' determination is first constructed as the basis of intuitionistic fuzzy evaluation. Secondly, using the IFOWGA
operator the intuitionistic fuzzy evaluation values are obtained through aggregating the evaluation matrix. And these values
are ranked to get the level of ergonomic evaluation by possible degree ranking function. Finally, an evaluation example based
on the cockpit display of a certain aircraft is given to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Six alternatives of the
evaluation result are obtained by the aggregation of the IFOWGA operator. Applied the possible degree function, the
ergonomic evaluation grade of the aircraft cockpit display is the second level by ranking the alternative sand the variation of
intuitionistic fuzzy value is already small when the number of experts is more than 16. It can be shown from the results that the
ergonomic level of cockpit display can be objectively and scientifically evaluated by the proposed quantitative method, and it
can provide a theoretical basis and practical methods for improving the ergonomic level of cockpit display design.
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