
Enhanced Long Short-Term Memory (ELSTM) Model for Sentiment Analysis
Sentiment analysis is used to embed an extensive collection of reviews and predicts people's opinion towards a
particular topic, which is helpful for decision-makers. Machine learning and deep learning are standard techniques, which
make the process of sentiment analysis simpler and popular. In this research, deep learning is used to analyze the sentiments
of people. It has an ability to perform automatic feature extraction, which provides better performance, a more vibrant
appearance, and more reliable results than conventional feature-based techniques. Traditional approaches were based on
complicated manual feature extractions that were not able to provide reliable results. Therefore, the presented study aimed to
improve the performance of the deep learning approach by combining automatic feature extraction with manual feature
extraction techniques. The enhanced ELSTM model is proposed with hyper-parameter tuning in previous Long Short-Term
Memory (LSTM) to get better results. Based on the results, a novel model of sentiment analysis and novel algorithm are
proposed to set the benchmark in the field of textual classification and to describe the procedure of the developed model
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