
A Survey: Face Recognition Techniques under Partial Occlusion
Systems that rely on Face Recognition (FR) biometri c have gained great importance ever since terrorist threats
imposed weakness among the implemented security sys tems. Other biometrics i.e., fingerprints or iris recognition is not
trustworthy in such situations whereas FR is consid ered as a fine compromise. This survey illustrates different FR practices
that laid foundations on the issue of partial occlu sion dilemma where faces are disguised to cheat the security system.
Occlusion refers to facade of the face image which can be due to sunglasses, hair or wrapping of facial image by scarf or
other accessories. Efforts on FR in controlled sett ings have been in the picture for past several year s; however identification
under uncontrolled conditions like illumination, ex pression and partial occlusion is quite a matter of concern. Based on
literature a classification is made in this paper t o solve the recognition of face in the presence of partial occlusion. These
methods are named as part based methods that make u se of Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Linear Discriminate
Analysis (LDA), Non-negative Matrix Factorization ( NMF), Local Non-negative Matrix Factorization (LNMF ), Independent
Component Analysis (ICA) and other variations. Feat ure based and fractal based methods consider features around eyes, nose
or mouth region to be used in the recognition phase of algorithms. Furthermore the paper details the experiments and
databases used by an assortment of authors to handl e the problem of occlusion and the results obtained after performing
diverse set of analysis. Lastly, a comparison of va rious techniques is shown in tabular format to give a precise overview of
what different authors have already projected in th is particular field.
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