
Scalable Self-Organizing Structured P2P Information Retrieval Model Based
This paper proposes a new autonomous self-organizin g content-based node clustering peer to peer Information
Retrieval (P2PIR) model. This model uses incrementa l transitive document-to-document similarity technique to build Local
Equivalence Classes (LECes) of documents on a sourc e node. Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH) scheme is applied to map a
representative of each LEC into a set of keys which will be published to hosting node(s). Similar LECes on different nodes
form Universal Equivalence Classes (UECes), which i ndicate the connectivity between these nodes. The same LSH scheme is
used to submit queries to subset of nodes that most likely have relevant information. The proposed mod el has been
. The obtained results indicate efficiency in buildi ng connectivity between similar nodes, and correctl y allocate
and retrieve relevant answers to high percentage of queries. The system was tested for different network sizes and proved to be
scalable as efficiency downgraded gracefully as the network size grows exponentially.
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