The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT)


Automated Weed Classification with Local Pattern-Based Texture Descriptors

In conventional cropping systems, removal of weed p opulation extensively relies on the application of chemical herbicides. However, this practice should be minimi zed because of the adverse effects of herbicide app lications on environment, human health, and other living organis ms. In this context, if the distribution of broadleaf and grass weeds could be sensed locally with a machine vision system, the n the selection and dosage of herbicides applications could be optimized automatically. This paper presents a simple, yet ef fective texture&based weed classification method using local pattern operators. The objective is to evaluate the feasibi lity of using micro&level texture patterns to classify weed images into broadleaf and grass categories for real&time select ive herbicide applications. Three widely&used texture operators, namely Local Binary Pattern (LBP), Local Ternary Pattern ( LTP), and Local Directional Pattern (LDP) are consi dered in our study. Experiments on 400 sample field images with 200 sam ples from each category show that, the proposed method is capable of effectively classifying weed images and provides su perior performance than several existing methods.

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