
An Efficient Traffic Forecasting System Based on Spatial Data and Decision Trees
The rapid proliferation of Global Position Service (GPS) devices and mounting number of traffic monit oring
systems employed by municipalities have opened the door for advanced traffic control and personalized route planning. Most
state of the art traffic management and information systems focus on data analysis, and very little has been done in the sense
of prediction. In this article, we devise an effici ent system for the prediction of peak traffic flow using machine learning
techniques. In the proposed system, the traffic flo w of a locality is predicted with the aid of the geospatial data obtained from
aerial images. The proposed system comprises of two significant phases: Geospatial data extraction from aerial images, and
traffic flow prediction using See5.0 decision tree. Firstly, geographic information essential for traf fic flow prediction are
extracted from aerial images like traffic maps, usi ng suitable image processing techniques. Subsequent ly, for a user query, the
trained See5.0 decision tree predicts the traffic s tate of the intended location with relevance to the date and time specified. The
experimental results portray the effectiveness of t he proposed system in predicting traffic flow.
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