
A Novel Secure Hash Algorithm for Public Key Digital Signature Schemes
Hash functions are the most widespread among all cr yptographic primitives, and are currently used in multiple
cryptographic schemes and in security protocols. Th is paper presents a new Secure Hash Algorithm calle d (SHA(192). It uses
a famous secure hash algorithm given by the Nationa l Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST).The basic design of SHA(
192 is to have the output length of 192.The SHA(192 has been designed to satisfy the different level of enhanced security and to
resist the advanced SHA attacks. The security analy sis of the SHA(192 is compared to the old one given by NIST and gives
more security and excellent results as shown in our discussion. In this paper the digital signature algorithm which is given by
NIST has been modified using the proposed algorithm s SHA(192. Using proposed SHA(192 hash algorithm a new digital
signature schemes is also proposed. The SHA(192 can be used in many applications such s public key cryptosystem, digital
signcryption, message authentication code, random g enerator and in security architecture of upcoming wireless devices like
software defined radio etc.
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