
An Integrated Radix-4 Modular Divider/Multiplier
The increasing importance of security in computers and communication systems introduces the need for several
public$key cryptosystems. The modular division and multiplication arithmetic operations in GF (p) and GF (2n) are
extensively used in many public key cryptosystems, such as El$Gamal cryptosystem, Elliptic Curve Cryp tography (ECC), and
the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECD SA). Processing these cryptosystems involves complicated computations,
therefore, it is recommended to develop specialized hardware to speed up these computations. In this w ork, we propose
efficient hardware design to compute both operation s (division and multiplication) in the binary extension finite filed (GF (2
The common points in both operations are utilized i n our design to reduce the design area and delay. m aking the proposed
architecture faster than other previously proposed designs. The FPGA implementation of the proposed de sign shows better
results compared with other designs in this field.
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