A Survey on Fault Injection Techniques
Fault tolerant circuits are currently required in several major application sectors. Besides and in complement to other possible approaches such as proving or analytical modeling whose applicability and accuracy are significantly restricted in the case of complex fault tolerant systems, fault-injection has been recognized to be particularly attractive and valuable. Fault injection provides a method of assessing the dependability of a system under test. It involves inserting faults into a system and monitoring the system to determine its behavior in response to a fault. Several fault injection techniques have been proposed and practically experimented. They can be grouped into hardware-based fault injection, software-based fault injection, simulation-based fault injection, emulation-based fault injection and hybrid fault injection. This paper presents a survey on fault injection techniques with comparison of the different injection techniques and an overview on the different tools.
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[31] Yu Y., “A Perspective on the State of Research on Fault Injection Techniques,” Research Report, University of Virginia, May 2001. Haissam Ziade received his BSc in physics from Lebanese University in 1979, his engineering diploma from ENSERG in Grenoble France in 1982, and his PhD in engineering from INSA/ Toulouse in 1986. Since 1986, he has been in the Electrical and Electronics Department at the Lebanese University at Tripoli/Lebanon, where he is currently an associate professor. He is an assistant researcher at TIMA Laboratory (Grenoble, France) in “Qualification of Circuits” research group since 1986. His main research topics are the study of the test and validation of complex integrated circuits, the fault injection methodologies and the design with programmable circuits and systems. Rafic Ayoubi received his BSc degree in electrical engineering, the MSc and PhD degrees in computer engineering from the University of Louisiana, Lafayette, Louisiana in 1988, 1990, and 1995, respectively. He joined The University of Balamand, Tripoli, Lebanon, in 1996 where he is currently an assistant professor. Dr. Ayoubi's current research interests are parallel architectures, parallel algorithms, fault tolerance, artificial neural networks, and FPGA technology. In these areas, he published several research papers in several journals and conferences. He has received the first prize in the 2nd Annual Exhibition for Industrial Research Achievements in Lebanon. Raoul Velazco has been with CNRS (French Research Agency) since 1984. Leader at TIMA Laboratory (Grenoble, France) of “Qualification of Circuits” research group. His main research topics are the study of the effects of radiation on integrated circuits, the development of test methods for complex circuits (processors, microcontrollers,...) and the design of dedicated functional test systems. He has more than 170 publications, 32 of them in IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science.