The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT)


New Approach for Conception and

Since conception is the primary part in the realization of a computer system and in order to help designers describe their software, several languages and tools such the UML modelling language have been proposed in the literature. UML knew an important success for the conception of object oriented systems. In this paper, we propose a new approach of conception and implementation of object oriented expert system based on the UML. For this we introduce our approach of design of the object oriented expert system based on UML, then we define an extension of the CLIPS, called VCLIPS_UML, in order to support UML. VCLIPS_UML brings two main improvements to CLIPS. The first improvement permits an easy access and modification of the CLIPS knowledge base. The user introduces his knowledge base described with the UML class and the object diagram; VCLIPS_UML gives the corresponding script directly. The second improvement concerns the ease of its utilization by making the syntactic and semantics aspects of the CLIPS programming language more transparent. The implementation of VCLIPS_UML is carried out in a way to make it expandable and portable .

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