The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT)


Towards A Distributed Arabic OCR Based on the DTW Algorithm: Performance Analysis

In spite of the diversity ofprintedArabicoptical characterrecognitionproductsandproposals,the problemseems tobenotyetwellsolved.Thecomplexmorphologya ndcalligraphyoftheArabicwritingononehandandtheuseofsomelight approaches on the other hand are behind the poornes s of these products. However, some strong proposedapproaches didn’t find the opportunity to be commercialised because o f generally their corresponding complex computing.  The dynamic time warping algorithm is considered as one among these strong approaches. In fact, severalstudiesandexperimentshaveshown andconfirmedthattheprintedArabicopticalchara cterrecognitionbasedondynamictimewarpingalgo rithmprovidesavery interesting recognition rate especially for large a nd huge vocabularies. One of the attractive sides o f the dynamic time warping algorithm is its ability to recognize prope rly connected or cursive characters (words or sub w ords) without prior segmentation. Furthermore, this algorithm performs the recognition process from within a reference library of isolated characters and owns a very good immunity against no ises. Unfortunately, the big amount of its computing during the recognition process makes its execution time very s low and, hence, restricts its utilization. Many researchers attempted to speedup the execution time of this algorithm. Unfor tunately, the corresponding proposed solutions requ ire generally specific high cost architectures. Loosely coupled architectu res such as grapes or grid computing can provide en ough power without additional cost to distribute the complexity of som e greedy applications. Consequently, we report in t his paper the performance analysis of an analytical and an experi mental study of a distributed Arabic optical character recognition based on the dynamic time warping algorithm within loosel y coupled architectures. Obtained results confirm that loosely coupled architectures and more specifically grid computing present a very interesting framework to speedup the  Arabic optical characterrecognitionbasedonthedynamictimewar pingalgorithm.  

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