
The Effect of Computer Assisted Language
This study aimed at investigating the effect of usi ng an instructional software program of English lan guage on the
achievement of secondary students in Jordan. The sa mple of the study consisted of (212) students distributed randomly on four
experimental groups and four control groups. The in struments of the study were an instructional software program for
teaching the passive voice and an achievement test. An Analysis of covariance was used to find out the effect of the
instructional program on the students’ achievement in the passive voice. The findings of the study revealed that: 1. there were
statistically significant differences (
α < 0.05) between the students' achievement mean sco res in grammar attributed to the
instructional method of teaching. This difference i s in favor of the students in the experimental group 2. there were statistically
significant differences (
α < 0.05) between the students' achievement mean sco res in grammar attributed to gender. This
difference is in favor of male students. 3. there w ere statistically significant differences (
α < 0.05) between the students'
achievement mean scores in grammar attributed to st ream of study. This difference is in favor of the scientific stream students.
In light of the findings of the study, it was recom mended that TEFL teachers use CAI lessons in their instruction.
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