
Towards Ontology Extraction from Data-Intensive Web Sites: An HTML Forms-Based Reverse
The advance of the Web has significantly and rap idly changed the way of information organization, sharing and
distribution. However, most of the information that is available has to be interpreted by humans; mach ine support is rather
limited. The next generation of the web, the semant ic web, seeks to make information more usable by ma chines by introducing
a more rigorous structure based on ontology. In th is context we try to propose a novel and integrated approach for migrating
data-intensive web into ontology-based semantic web and thus, make the web content machine-understanda ble. Our approach
is based on the idea that semantics can be extracte d from the structures and the instances of HTML for ms which are the most
convenient interface to communicate with relational databases on the current Web. This semantics is ex ploited to help build
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