
Fuzzy Active Queue Management for Congestion Control in Wireless Ad-Hoc Essam Natsheh, Adznan B. Jantan, Sabira Khatun, and Shamala Subramaniam
Mobile ad-hoc network is a network without infrastructure where every node has its own protocols and services for
powerful cooperation in the network. Every node also has the ability to handle the congestion in its queues during traffic
overflow. Traditionally, this was done through Drop-Tail policy where the node drops the incoming packets to its queues
during overflow condition. Many studies showed that early dropping of incoming packet is an effective technique to avoid
congestion and to minimize the packet latency. Such approach is known as Active Queue Management (AQM). In this paper, an
enhanced algorithm, called Fuzzy-AQM, is suggested using fuzzy logic system to achieve the benefits of AQM. Uncertainty
associated with queue congestion estimation and lack of mathematical model for estimating the time to start dropping incoming
packets makes the Fuzzy-AQM algorithm the best choice. Extensive performance analysis via simulation showed the
effectiveness of the proposed method for congestion detection and avoidance improving overall network performance.
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