
The Development of a Simplified ProcessModel for CBSD Hazleen Aris1 and Siti Salwah Salim2
This study introduces the MyCL process model, a simplified Component-Based Software Development (CBSD)
process model that is clear and easy to be understood and hence, applied. It is motivated by the fact that even though many
CBSD process models have been proposed, a clear and step-by-step guidance is still lacking. They vary from one another and
some are even complicated and difficult to be applied. The MyCL process model is therefore derived by retaining the strengths
and overcoming the impracticality causes of these existing CBSD process models. Evaluation of the model, which was carried
out by interviewing the experts in this field has shown that this model has a good potential to be applied by software
developers, especially those who are new to CBSD.
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