
An Intelligent CRF Based Feature Selection for
As the internet applications are growing rapidly, t he intrusions to the networking system are also bec oming high. In
such a scenario, it is necessary to provide securit y to the networks by means of effective intrusion d etection and prevention
methods. This can be achieved mainly by developing efficient intrusion detecting systems that use efficient algorithms which
can identify the abnormal activities in the network traffic and protect the network resources from illegal penetrations by
intruders. Though many intrusion detection systems have been proposed in the past, the existing network intrusion detections
have limitations in terms of detection time and acc uracy. To overcome these drawbacks, we propose a ne w intrusion detection
system in this paper by developing a new intelligen t Conditional Random Field (CRF) based feature sele ction algorithm to
optimize the number of features. In addition, an ex isting Layered Approach (LA)
based algorithm is used to perform
classification with these reduced features. This in trusion detection system provides high accuracy and achieves efficiency in
attack detection compared to the existing approache s. The major advantages of this proposed system are reduction in
detection time, increase in classification accuracy and reduction in false alarm rates.
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