
Encryption Quality Measurement of a Proposed
In this paper, a proposed cryptosystem algorithm ba sed on two different chaotic systems is presented. The proposed
cryptosystem algorithm is designated as PCACH. A re cently developed encryption algorithm which is designated here, as
HuXia is reviewed. These two algorithms are applied to three images of different color frequencies, i.e., different types of
colored"images are encrypted with each of the two e ncryption algorithms. Both of them are applied to the different images
with two different types of encryption modes, Elect ronic Code Book (ECB) and Cipher Block Chaining (CB C). Visual
inspection is not sufficient to assess the quality of encryption so other measuring factors are consid ered based on measuring
the maximum deviation and the Correlation Coefficie nt (CC) between the original and the encrypted images. For judging the
force of security, we measure the plain"text sensit ivity by using Number of Pixels Change Rate (NPCR) and Unified Average
Changing Intensity (UACI) analysis, measuring infor mation entropy and measuring the key sensitivity. A lso, the
encryption/decryption time and the throughput are m easured for the two algorithms. The results suggest that PCACH is a very
good algorithm and superior to HuXia.
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