
Patching Assignment Optimization for Security
This research is focusing on how IT support center applies the limited resources to elaborate a vulnerability patch in
face of its disclosure in a system. We propose the most optimized procedure to design the patch in que stion and let second*tier
security engineer handle the update for vulnerabili ties with patch release. While the frontline security engineer are able to
provide a firewall to hold the leakage plus create and update the patch in the shortest amount of time . In face of, some system
vulnerabilities, the frontline security engineer ha s to build up a prevention procedure before the pat ch is released. The strategy
of this study is to focus on the transfer of patch demand to the adequate system engineer in a mathema tical programming
problem module. Within it the objective function is minimized to pursue the shortest amount of surviva l time for the
vulnerability (before the patch is released), we al so added some related constraints. The main contrib utions of this study is a
non*linear non*convex mixed integer programming pro blem formulation for patching assignment optimization and a near
optimal solution approach.
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