
An Innovative Two-Stage Fuzzy kNN-DST
Intrusion detection is the essential part of networ k security in combating against illegal network acc ess or malicious
attacks. Due to constantly evolving nature of netwo rk attacks, it has been a technical challenge for an Intrusion Detection
System (IDS) to recognize unknown attacks or known attacks with inadequate training data. In this work, an innovative fuzzy
classifier is proposed for effectively detecting bo th unknown attacks and known attacks with insuffici ent or inaccurate training
information. A Fuzzy C.Means (FCM) algorithm is fir stly employed to softly compute and optimise clustering centers of the
training datasets with some degree of fuzziness cou nting for inaccuracy and ambiguity in the training data. Subsequently, a
distance.weighted k.Nearest Neighbors (k.NN) classi fier, combined with the Dempster Shafer Theory (DST ) is introduced to
assess the belief functions and pignistic probabili ties of the incoming data associated with each of k nown classes. Finally, a
two.stage intrusion detection scheme is implemented based on the obtained pignistic probabilities and their entropy function to
determine if the input data are normal, one of the known attacks or an unknown attack. The proposed in trusion detection
algorithm is evaluated through the application of t he KDD’99 datasets and their variants containing kn own and unknown
attacks. The experimental results show that the new algorithm outperforms other intrusion detection algorithms and is
especially effective in detecting unknown attacks.
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