
A Region Adaptive Robust Watermarking Scheme
To counter the security breaches, came the need of watermarking which is one of the efficient methods to maintain
the integrity of the digital content and prove the rightful ownership. Region adaptive watermarking is the technique which is
based on the content of the image which is required to be protected against the various possible attacks. Homogeneity analysis
of the image has been made using the quad tree base d image segmentation method to chalk out the approp riate sites for
embedding the secret information. The information i s itself extracted from the image in terms of a feature which is hidden
using the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) proper ties in the cover image. The robustness of the proposed algorithm
against the various attacks has been validated by a ttaining high Peak to Signal Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Normalized Cross
Correlation (NCC) values in the experiments carried out.
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