Hybrid SVM/HMM Model for the Arab Phonemes
Hidden Markov Models (HMM) are currently widely use d in Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) as being the most
effective models. Yet, they sometimes pose some pro blems of discrimination. The hybridization of Artificial Neural Networks
(ANN) in particular Multi Layer Perceptions (MLP) w ith HMM is a promising technique to overcome these limitations. In
order to, ameliorate results of recognition system, we use Support Vector Machines (SVM) witch charact erized by a high
predictive power and discrimination. The incorporation of SVM with HMM brings into existence of the new system of ASR. So,
by using 2800 occurrences of Arabic phonemes, this work arises a comparative study of our acknowledgme nt system of it as
the following : The use of especially the HMM standards lead to a r ecognition rate of 66.98%. Also, with the hybrid system
MLP/HMM we succeed in achieving the value of 73.78% . Moreover, our proposed system SVM/HMM realizes the best
performances, whereby, we achieve 75.8% as a recogn ition frequency.
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