
Parallel Particle Filters for Multiple Target Tracking
TheMultiple Targets Tracking(MTT) problem is addressed in signal and image processing.When thestate and
measurement models are linear, we can find several algorithms that yield good performances in MTT problem, among them,
theMultiple Hypotheses Tracker(MHT) and theJoint Probabilistic Data Association Filter(JPDAF).However, if the state and
measurement models are nonlinear, these algorithms break down.In this paper we propose a method based on particle filters
bank, where the objective is to make a contribution for estimating the trajectories of several targets using only bearings
measurements. The main idea of this algorithm is to combine theMultiple Modelapproach (MM) withSequential Monte Carlo
methods (SMC). The result from this combination is aNonlinear Multiple Model Particle Filtersalgorithm (NMMPF) ableto
estimate the trajectories of multiple targets.
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