
Test Case PrioritizationforRegression Testing Using Immune Operator
Regressiontesting is a time consuming, costly process of re-running existing test cases.Assoftware evolves, the
regression test suite grows in size. Test case prioritization techniques help by ordering test cases suchthat at least the test
cases which cover the changes made in the software are executed amidst resource and time constraints.GeneticAlgorithm
(GA)has been widely used for test case prioritization problem, however it has low convergence problem. In thiswork, the
Immune Genetic Algorithm (IGA) is applied for test case prioritization, so that test case prioritization converges earlier. Our
contributions inImmune Prioritization Algorithm (IPA)include a method for vaccine selection, zero drop function and
probability selection function.Theprioritized result ofIPAis evaluated againstGAand the statement coverage, decision
coverage and block coverage of the test cases prioritized usingIPAare found to have improved. Further,IPAshowed
improved averagefitness value as well as optimal fitness value compared to genetic algorithm.
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