
A NewModel for Software Inspection at the Requirements Analysis and Design Phases of
Software inspection models have beenremarkable development in over the past four decades, particularly in the
field of automatic inspection of software codes and electronic sessions.A small number of improvements have been made in
the field of system analysis and design. The amount of using formal inspection model which is based on single check lists and
physical or electronic sessions shows the decrease in interest init.As inspection, in system analysis phase, is a man-cantered
issue, inspectors support using electronic tools will lead to higher efficiency of the inspection process. This paper proposes a
comprehensive web-based tool aimed to accelerating the inspection process in the early phases of software development. In
order to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed tool, two case studies were conducted to inspect the artifacts from six software
projects of two software companies.Comparing the statistics related to the defects detected using this tool with those detected
using the formal method shows the efficiency of the used tool.
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