
Face Recognition (FR) under varying pose is challe nging and exacting pose invariant features is an effective
to solve this problem. In this paper, we propose a novel Truncated Transform Domain Feature Extractor (TTDFE)
to improve the performance of the FR system. TTDFE involves a unique combination of Symlet-4 DWT, 2D-D CT, followed by
a novel truncation process. The truncation process extracts higher amplitude coefficients from the Discrete Cosine Transform
) matrix. An optimal Truncation Point (TP) is estimat ed, which is inspired by a relationship developed between the
image dimensions and the positions of DCT amplitude peaks. TTDFE is used for efficient feature extraction and a Binary
Particle Swarm Optimization (BPSO) based feature se lection algorithm is used to search the feature space for the optimal
feature subset. Experimental results, obtained by a pplying the proposed algorithm on 5 benchmark face databases
with large
pose variations, namely Facial Recognition Technolo gy (FERET), University of Manchester Institute of Scien ce
Technology (
UMIST), Foundation for Education of Ignatius (FEI), Pointing’ 04 Head Pose image Database (PHPD) and
Face Database (IFD), show that the proposed system outperforms other FR systems. A significant increase in the
Recognition Rate
(RR) and a substantial reduction in the number of featu res selected are observed.
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