
Speed up of Reindexing in Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization
Palette re ordering is a class of pre processing me thod with the objective to manipulate the palette index such that
the adjacent symbols are assigned close indices in the symbol space, thus enhancing the compressibilit y of the image with
many lossless compressors. Finding an exact reorder ed palette would certainly be exhaustive and computationally complex. A
solution to this NP hard problem is presented by us ing an Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization (APSO) to achieve fast
global convergence by maximizing the co occurrences . A new algorithm with improved inertia factor is presented here to
accelerate the convergence speed of the reindexing scheme. In this algorithm, the key parameter inertia weight is formulated
as a factor of gradient based rate of particle conv ergence. Experimental results assert that the propo sed modification helps in
improving APSO performance in terms of solution qua lity and convergence to global optima.
Key words : Reindexing, palette indexed image, cross entropy, r ate of particle convergence (k), improved inertia weight
adaptive particle swarm optimization.
Received April 3, 2013; accepted November10, 2014; published online March 19, 2015
1. Introduction
A colour-mapped (pseudo-colour) image is composed
of colour information contained in a look-up table and
pixel values that are indices, which point to colou r
values in the look-up table. In most computer
applications, images are used to help stimulate hum an
visual perception. A true color image is a matrix o f
pixels, each consisting of red, green and blue colo r
triplets. Each component (
Ri, Gi, Bi) triplet has a range
between 0 and 255 and is represented with a byte.
Since, a color-mapped image utilises approximately
one third of memory space of its corresponding true-
colour representation, colour-mapped images are use d
as user interface elements of most windowing
operating systems
A color-quantized image is generally represented
with a color index map each element of which serves
as an index to select a color from a predefined set of
colors to represent the color of a pixel in the ima ge.
The predefined set of colors is called a palette. T o
reduce the size of a color-indexed image further,
lossless compression techniques are generally used
because the index used to pick a particular palette color
must be exact in decoding. A minor difference betwe en
two index values may result in a serious color shif t.
In a standard image coding scenario, pixel-to-pixel
correlation nearly always exists in the data, espec ially
if the image is a natural scene. This correlation i s what
allows predictive coding schemes (e.g., DPCM) to
perform efficient compression. In a color mapped
image, the values stored in the pixel array are no
longer directly related to the pixel intensity. For each
pixel in the image, only the index of the correspon ding color needs to be stored. Two color indices which a
numerically adjacent (close) may point to two very
different colors. The correlation still exists, but only
via the color map. The efficiency of a lossless
compression algorithm for indexed images may greatl y
depend on the assignment of indexes in the relative
lookup table [2]. Palette reordering is a well-known and very
effective approach for improving the compression of
color-indexed images. Highly compressed palettized
images are needed in many applications such as game
cartridges, computer graphics and World Wide Web
(WWW) on-line services. The bottleneck of this solution is the intrinsic
inefficiency to numerically optimize the palette re-
indexing. If the optimal palette configuration is s ought,
the computational complexity involved would be high .
As a matter of fact, a table of
M colors corresponds to
M! Configurations [26]. Clearly, this exhaustive sea rch
is impractical and thus transforms to an NP hard
In typical applications where the search space is
large and multidimensional, prior information about
the function is not available and traditional
mathematical techniques are not applicable.
optimization is a NP complete problem and heuristic
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