
An Improved Iterative Segmentation Algorithm using Canny Edge Detector for Skin Lesion Border Detection
One of the difficult problems recognized in image p rocessing and pattern analysis, in particular in medical imaging
applications is boundary detection. The detection o f skin lesion boundaries accurately allows, skin cancer detection .There is
no unified approach to this problem, which has been found to be application dependent. Early diagnosis of melanoma is a
challenge, especially for general practitioners, as melanomas are hard to distinguish from common mole s, even for
experienced dermatologists. Melanoma can be cured b y simple excision, when diagnosed at an early stage. Our proposed
improved iterative segmentation algorithm, using ca nny edge detector, which is a simple and effective method to find the
border of real skin lesions is presented, that help s in early detection of malignant melanoma and its performance is compared
with the segmentation algorithm using canny detecto r [16] developed by us previously for border detection of real skin lesions.
The experimental results demonstrate the successful border detection of noisy real skin lesions by our proposed improved
iterative segmentation algorithm using canny detect or. We conclude that our proposed segmentation alg orithm, segments the
lesion from the image even in the presence of noise for a variety of lesions and skin types and its performance is more reliable
than the segmentation algorithm [16] that we have d eveloped previously that uses canny detector, for border detection of real
skin lesions for noisy skin lesion diagnosis.
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