
Using Textual Case-based Reasoning in Intelligent Fatawa QA System
Textual Case#Based Reasoning (TCBR) is an artificia l intelligence approach to problem solving and learning in
which textual expertise is collected in a library o f past cases. One of the critical application domai ns is the Islamic Fatawa
(religious verdict) domain, which refers to seeking a legal ruling for religious issues that Muslims all over the globe pose on a
daily basis. Official religious organizations like Egypt’s Dar al#Ifta
1 is responsible for receiving and answering people’ s
religious inquiries daily. Due to the enormous numb er of inquiries Dar al#Ifta receives every day, it cannot be handled at the
same time. This task actually requires a certain sm art system that can help in fulfilling people’s needs for answers. However,
applying TCBR in the domain of issuing Fatawa faces several challenges related to the language syntax and semantics. The
contribution of this paper is to propose an intelli gent fatwa Questions Answering (QA) system that can overcome the
challenges and respond to a user’s inquiry through providing semantically closest inquiries that previously answered.
Moreover, the paper shows how the proposed system c an learn when a new inquiry arrives. Finally, results will be discussed.
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