
Enhancing Generic Pipeline Model for Code Clone Detection using Divide and Conquer Approach
Code clone is known as identical copies of the same instances or fragments of source codes in software. Current
code clone research focuses on the detection and an alysis of code clones in order to help software developers identify code
clones in source codes and reuse the source codes i n order to decrease the maintenance cost. Many appr oaches such as textual
based comparison approach, token based comparison a nd tree based comparison approach have been used to detect code
clones. As software grows and becomes a legacy syst em, the complexity of these approaches in detecting code clones
increases. Thus, this scenario makes it more diffic ult to detect code clones. Generic pipeline model i s the most recent code
clone detection that comprises five processes which are parsing process, pre)processing process, pooling process, comparing
processes and filtering process to detect code clon e. This research highlights the enhancement of the generic pipeline model
using divide and conquer approach that involves con catenation process. The aim of this approach is to produce a better input
for the generic pipeline model by processing smalle r part of source code files before focusing on the large chunk of source
codes in a single pipeline. We implement and apply the proposed approach with the support of a tool called Java Code Clone
Detector (JCCD). The result obtained shows an impro vement in the rate of code clone detection and overall runtime
performance as compared to the existing generic pip eline model.
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