
Model Based Approach for Content Based Image
This paper proposes a methodology for Content Based Image Retrievals (CBIR) using the concept of fusion and
relevancy mechanism based on KL divergence associat ed with generalized gamma distribution to integrate the features
corresponding to multiple modalities, feature level fusion technique is considered. The relevancy appr oach considered bridges
the link to both high level and low level features. The target in the CBIR is to retrieve the images o f relevancy based on the
query and retrieving the most relevant images optim izing the time complexity. A generalized gamma distribution is considered
in this paper to model the parameters of the query image and basing on the maximum likelihood estimati on the generalized
gamma distribution, the most relevant images are re trieved. The parameters of the generalized gamma di stribution are
updated using the EM algorithm. The developed model is tested on the brain images considered from brain web data of UCI
database. The performance of the model is evaluated using precision and recall.
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