The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT)


A Safe Exit Approach for Continuous Monitoring

  Reverse K#Nearest Neighbor (RKNN) queries in road n etworks have been studied extensively in recent years. However, at present, there is still a lack of algor ithms for moving queries in a road network. In this paper, we study how to efficiently process moving queries. Existing algori thms do not efficiently handle query movement. For instance, whenever a query changes its location, the result of the query has to be recomputed. To avoid this recomputation, we introduce a new technique that can efficiently compute the safe exi t points for continuous RKNNs. Within these safe ex it points, the query result remains unchanged and a request for recomputation o f the query does not have to be made to the server. This significantly reduces server processing costs and the communicati on costs between the server and moving clients. The results of extensive experiments conducted using real road network data indicate that our proposed algorithm significantly reduces communication and computation costs.

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