The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT)


Exploring the Potential of Schemes in Building NLP

Arabic is known for its sparseness, which explains the difficulty of its automatic processing. The Arabic language is based on schemes; lemmas are produced using derivat ion based on roots and schemes. This latter character presents two major advantages: First, this “hidden side” of the Arabic language composed of schemes suffers much less from sparseness since it represents a finite set, second, schemes k eep a large number of features of the language in a much reduced vocabulary size. Schemes present a very great perspective and have great potential in building accurate natural language processing tools for Arabic. In this work we tried to explore this p otential by building some NLP tools while relying e ntirely on schemes. The work is related to text classification and a Probab ilistic Context Free Grammar (PCFG) parsing.

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