The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT)


Developing a Novel Approach for Content Based

  Digital image retrieval is one of the major concept s in image processing. In this paper, a novel appro ach is proposed to retrieve digital images from huge datab ases which using texture analysis techniques to extract discriminant features together with color and shape features. Th e proposed approach consist three steps. In the first one, shape detection is done based on top(hat transform to detect and crop main object parts of the image, especially complex ones. Second step is included a texture feature representation algorithm which used Color Local Binary Patterns (CLBP) and local variance as discriminant operators. Finally, to retrieve mostly closing matching images to the query, log likeliho od ratio is used. In order to, decrease the computational complexity, a novel algorithm is prepared disregarding not similar cate gories to the query image. It is done using log(likelihood ratio as non (similarity measure and threshold tuning technique. The performance of the proposed approach is evaluated applying on corel an d simplicity image sets and it compared by some of other well(known approaches in terms of precision and recall which s hows the superiority of the proposed approach. Low noise sensitivity, rotation invariant, shift invariant, gray scale inv ariant and low computational complexity are some of other advantages.  

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[19] Stanford Vision Lab., available at:, last visited 2014. Farshad Tajeripour received his BSc and MSc degrees in electrical engineering from Shiraz University, in 1994 and 1997, respectively and the PhD degree in electrical engineering from the Tarbiat Modarres University of Tehran, in 2007. In 2007, he joined the Department of Electric al and Computer Engineering at Shiraz University, Shiraz, as an Assistant Professor. His research int erests include digital image processing, machine vision, medical image processing, signal processing, and th e design and implementation of vision based inspectio n systems. He has published several papers in the fie lds of pattern recognition, signal and image processing . Mohammad Saberi received his BSc degree in computer software engineering from Islamic Azad University of Najaf-Abad, Iran in 2008 and his MSc degree from Shiraz University, Iran in 2013, majored in artificial intelligence. He joined the Isfahan Municipality Information and Communication Organization in 2013. His research interests are skin detection, texture analysis and image retrieval and etc. Developing a Novel Approach for Content Based Image Retrieval Using 581 Shervan Fekri-Ershad received his BSc degree in computer hardware engineering from Islamic Azad University of Najaf-Abad, Iran in 2009 and his MSc degree from Shiraz University, Iran in 2012, majored in artificial intelligence. Currently, he is a PhD student in the School of electrical and computer engineering, Shiraz Univers ity, Iran. He joined the department of Computer Engineering at Amin University, Isfahan, as a lectu rer in 2012. His research interests are image processin g applications includes visual inspection systems, vi sual classification, texture analysis, surface defect de tection and etc.