
Lightweight Anti-Censorship Online Network for
The Onion Router (TOR) online anonymity system is a network of volunteer’s nodes that allows Internet users to be
anonymous through consecutive encryption tunnels. N odes are selected according to estimated bandwidth (bnd) values
announced by the nodes themselves. Some nodes may a nnounce false values due to a lack of accuracy or hacking intention.
Furthermore, a network bottleneck may occur when ru nning TOR in countries with low Internet speed. In this paper, we
highlight the censorship challenges that Internet u sers face when using anti,censorship tools in such countries. We show that
the current anti,censorship solutions having limita tions when implemented in countries with extensive internet filtering and
low Internet speed. In order to overcome such limit ations, we propose a new anonymity online solution based on TOR. The
network nodes are selected using a trust based syst em. Most encryption and path selection computation overhead are shifted
to our network nodes. We also provide a new encrypt ion framework where the nodes with higher bnd and r esources are
chosen and verified carefully according to specific metrics. We use an atomic encryption between entry and Exit nodes (Ex)
without revealing the secret components of each par ty. We demonstrate that our solution can provide anonymous browsing in
countries with slow internet as well as fewer bottl enecks.
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