An Efficient Method for Contrast Enhancement of
This paper proposed an efficient method for contras t enhancement of real world hyper spectral images. The contrast
of image is an important characteristic by which th e quality of image can be judged as good or poor qu ality. The proposed
method is consists of two stages: In first stage th e poor quality of image is process by automatic con trast adjustment in spatial
domain and in second stage the output of first stag e is further process by adaptive filtering for image enhancement in
frequency domain. Simulation and experimental resul ts on benchmark real world hyper spectral image database demonstrates
that proposed method provides better results as com pared to other state-of-art contrast enhancement techniques. Proposed
method performs better in different dark and bright real world hyper spectral images by adjusting thei r contrast very
frequently. Proposed method is very simple and effi cient approach for contrast enhancement of real wor ld hyper spectral
images. This method can be used in different applic ations where images are suffering from different contrast problems.
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