Intensification and Interpretation of Performance in 5G Adopting Millimeter Wave: A Survey and Future Research Direction
In context of high speed broadband communication, 5G optical communication has become a most stimulating and motivating domain in research. Recent cellular network LTE (4G) will not be adequate and effective to fulfill the needs of higher data rate, higher bandwidth, low latency and Quality of service.To achieve the above requirements and to address the challenges 5G optical communication have major considerations, the incorporation of Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM), Millimeter wave (mm-wave) communication, eMBB to make efficient decisions.This article summarize the empowering technology for DWDM, mm-wave signal communication and enhanced Mobile Broadband uses 5G optical communication as an evolution from 4G-LTE communication amenities, with fast communications, good throughput and high capacity, it is a successful aspirant for the increasing broadband communications. Such empowering technology, focused mainly on improving the network structure and efficiency, involves producing the mm-wave broadband signal with easy and cost adequate systems. This paper gives a thorough review on developing and empowering advancements identified with optical communication framework that can meet the huge data rate request of broadband. The article further addresses the research gaps and outlines the important future research direction for enhancing communication using DWDM.
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