The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT)


Computational Intelligence Based Point of Interest Detection by Video Surveillance Implementations

Latest advancement of the computer vision literature and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) reveal many opportunities that are being actively used in various research areas. One of the most important examples for these areas is autonomous vehicles and mapping systems. Point of interest detection is a rising field within autonomous video tracking and autonomous mapping systems. Within the last few years, the number of implementations and research papers started rising due to the advancements in the new deep learning systems. In this paper, our aim is to survey the existing studies implemented on point of interest detection systems that focus on objects on the road (like lanes, road marks), or objects on the roadside (like road signs, restaurants or temporary establishments) so that they can be used for autonomous vehicles and automatic mapping systems. Meanwhile, the roadside point of interest detection problem has been addressed from a transportation industry perspective. At the same time, a deep learning based point of interest detection model based on roadside gas station identification will be introduced as proof of the anticipated concept. Instead of using an internet connection for point of interest retrieval, the proposed model has the capability to work offline for more robustness. A variety of models have been analysed and their detection speed and accuracy performances are compared. Our preliminary results show that it is possible to develop a model achieving a satisfactory real-time performance that can be embedded into autonomous cars such that streaming video analysis and point of interest detection might be achievable in actual utilisation for future implementations.

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