Pattern Recognition Using the Concept of Disjoint Matrix of MIMO System
In many applications, it is necessary to compare two or more images to identify the originality of them. For example, verification of fake logo of an organization or fake signature of an official can be considered in this context. The cross correlation and wavelet transform are widely used techniques to compare two images but they are low sensitive to awgn noise and very small change in the image. Different learning algorithms for example Principle Component Analysis (PCA) are prevalent for this purpose at the expense of process time. In this paper we apply the concept of uncorrelated MIMO channel of wireless link on different images such that received signal vector corresponding to the largest six eigen values will reflect the characteristics of the images. In this paper, three types of images: human face with background, fingerprint and human signature are considered for identification and the proposed model shows rigidity in identification of the image under rotation and noise contamination.
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