Achieving better Resource Utilization by Implementing a High-Performance Intelligent Framework in a Distributed Environment
Multi-distributed high-performance computers from many companies are aggregated into a single computing platform to provide handlers with uniform contact besides convention outlines. Job arrangement strategies in High-Performance Computing (HPC) environments are lacking in flexibility, so an enhanced computational intelligence automated system in the task ready queue, refinement of the principal planner aimed at every job, and increased arrangement of the job setting up plan are proposed in this paper, which introduces an improved task scheduling model. The swarm intelligence method is used in core task scheduling to reduce the average scheduling time for completing tasks by assigning jobs to each node in the most efficient manner possible. The suggested scheduling technique outperforms the standard work scheduling approach in simulations. Task waiting times can be reduced, system throughput increased, task response times improved, and system resources better utilized by using a job setting up method created on group Acumen systems.
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